July 17, 2009

li'l unicorn returns?

the li'l kinz unicorn will be in august's shipping boxes. if you want/need it make sure you get there early cause once word gets out everywhere you'll need the headstart. i got mine off ebay about a year ago for exactly the price of one in a store (without the tax) this is the first and may be the only comeback of a retired webkinz. or will it? what other webkinz might make a comeback? ones i wouled like to make comebacks are the pegasus and cheeky cat. i think ganz should have the cheeky dog and cat make a couple comebacks because not many people were on webkinz back then. many people like me didn't have a chance to get it. if they did/are make/making a comeback they would be soooo hard to get. you would have to get there the first day they arrive.then it would be a repeat of the whimzy dragon incedent.

don't forget that the turkey and lava dragon are coming out in two months.

my mom told me that i was getting webkinz for my b day. i know for certain i am getting the tawbney pup and li'l tomato clown fish (i'm going to name bounty and catch-up) i know these bacause she adopted hers (poker face and clamoto)

coraline comes out on dvd july 21st so i think i'm going to have to get it after my b day.i'm almost certain i'm getting mario kart and the legend of starfy for my b day beacause i asked her about if she saw them and she said no....(come on, i know its a cover-up)

in other random news my wingull evolved into pelliper at level 25 a few days ago o my pokemon platinum.

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