June 29, 2009

today and tommorow are the last days to adopt a pink pony pet of the month and to buy the pearl pup

están hoy y mañana los días pasados para adoptar un animal doméstico rosado del potro del mes y para comprar el perrito de la perla
i found a site to translate languages so i might start putting posts in english and spanish

encontré un sitio para traducir idiomas así que me puede ser que comience a poner los postes en inglés y español

Mario Kart

i had a sleepover at my friend's house on june 27th. it was fun, but when i played mario kart for the first time....i had never played a racing quite as cool as this one (kirby air ride is still my only other racing game i like). my friend was yoshi and i was king boo. i kept falling off rainbow road. i turned pikmin for wii down because of it. if you think your bad at racing games then you've got to check this game out. we both agreed that mario cheated and was the best. i think toad is the worst. my friend and i played coconut mall over and over again to get good at it and keep winning. here is a list of some power ups and wyhat they do

blooper-block vision of players
mushroom-gives you a small speed boost
bullet bill-(the best of all) plays the course for you for a limited time and has incredible speed. (can only be obtained if your in 10th,11th,or 12th place)
banna peel-slows you down by slipping

some things to watch out for on certain courses... :o

birds from mario sunshine-pick you up and toss you in the air (peach beach)
wriggly-block your way (?)
miis driving red cars-block your way (coconut mall)
crabs-blocks (crab beach?)
bombs-they fall from the sky and explode shorty after hitting the ground (?)
cows-cross the road to block your way (moo moo ___)

June 22, 2009

the caring valley pet for august is the brown dog. it surprised me cause all the pets ganz used for caring valley, potm, and webkinz cares was the old pets a lot of people already had.

the potm for september is the leopard. i already have one i don't have worry about justice running out.

i updated the webkinz advertizements. i got rid of the zumwhere one and added the potm leopard and the aug. caring valley ones.
sorry i haven't put in a new post in almost a week...i got so adicted to leving up my tales runner...i was thinking about trying to level another one up, but then thought...no, i'm just going to be wasting my time. i already have 1.

you may have noticed the contest post has a bunch of things on it. that was because i wanted my tales runner to be the main post. its over now so i'm going to post like usaul again.

wendsday was the day i got out of school. i am so happy i get a break from it all and get to spend mor time posting. i hope elmtree posts soon because she might lose all her followers... :(

i went to burger king twice since wendsday. i got the pikachu and giratina card holders. the cards i got were piplup, chimchar, pichu, and another dialga. below is my check list. X=obtained

giratina card holder X
shaymin card holder X
red card holder
blue card holder
pikachu card holder X
regiggas card holder X

meowth card
eevee card
giratina card
diagla card X
pikachu card X
palkia card X
pichu card X
leafeon card
piplup card X
turtwig card X
glaceon card
chimchar card X

June 15, 2009

thanks to anyone who helped! :D

Feed me!

Play Tales Runner
i got a cherry blossom bird and oriole today! :D their names are Kelsey and orral (ms. birdy said the word "oral" was a bad-word.) thats why i put two l's. cherry blossom bird 1-10... 10! :) still holding my collection of all lil kinz birds. :) sorry theres no pic....

today on zumwhere it deceided after my star challege it was going to let me do zumwhere again! :D first i got a gummy zum, but then i got my first zum soda! its so rainbow sparkly. sorry theres no pic for that eigther :(

two more days of school.so exited.............................. :D
ganz has anounced one the august releases fiannaly! the silversoft pet (cat)

June 13, 2009

see if you can read this...

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 % of plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, th e olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed t ihs forwrad it.
make sure to buy the ice cream tree in the estore today, because it won't be purchasable until 2010!

June 12, 2009

Another Burger King Toy!! :D

i went to Burger King again today and got the regigiggas card holder and the pikachu and turtwig cards.(my friend lexy l-o-v-e s pikachu.)

btw...the different toys are...

pikachu card holder
regigiggas card holder
shaymin holographic card holder
giratina holographic card holder
red card holder
blue card holder

the cards are


June 11, 2009

Burger King Pokemon Toys

i went to Burger King today.i of course got a pokemon toy. witch one? and witch cards? i got a....shaymin card holder and the cards....(i thought this was cool) i got palkia and dialga. both have the "platinum" on them witch means their official. dialga is one level higher than palkia. and the card holder? its holographic!! :D it changes from its regular form to its sky form. it also rocks back and forth. If you LOVE pokemon then....GO TO BURGER KING FOR POKEMON. (this time they give you 2 cards instead of one)

June 9, 2009


today my class went to Boomers.i had a great time.i went on the bumper boats twice.i got soaked.at the end of the day i went to the go karts.i paid $4 for a wrist band that gave me unlimited access to it and guess what the man said when i got to the front of the line. "YOUR TOO SHORT, SORRY".........>:( i DID NOT GET my MONEY BACK!!!! The Boomers by my house is a rip off!!! if you live in california and in huntington beach, then thats the one. make sure your tall enough or you'll get ripped off like i did. it might not just be the one by my house. you have to be 54inches or taller.
i decided to have a mascot. :D you can click her on the side and see her page.

Pet's name: royal nature
Adopt your own!

here is the brown fox's item and food

webkinz also has planned to...

add a new super bed

add a new theme

add something new to kinzchat and kinzchat plus

and when all of this happens....THIS WEEK!!! :D

June 8, 2009

less than 24 hours left on the poll
here are some of the upcoming webkinz and their items and food.

June 5, 2009

surprise saturday at the estore brings a new clothing item!!!

the thinking cap
sooooooo many new things....so little time.....well heres the buzz! :D

the tomato clownfish comes with a clown car.

there is going to be a cotton candy sheep in the estore soon.

plus several others that i can't remeber. :(