December 25, 2011

Advent 23-25 & Kwanzaa

Day 23:
Well, this is familiar (missing two)

Day 24:
Some items, of which consisted of stockings, a fireplace, and toys. You were also given a second opportunity at the 18th gift. I got an advent pet from last year and this curious rat.

Day 25:

These reindeer butterfly wolves (missing two)

These are available on the regular dogs/wolves adopt page.

December 22, 2011

Advent 20-22 & Hanukkah

Day 20:
Light spiders

Day 21:
Winter wear and snowman items

Day 22:

Hanukkah: You get a menorah with a candle. Come back each day to get another candle. Some pets were also free on the page too.

Box 1:

Box 2:

December 18, 2011

Advent Day 18/19

Day 18:
Rerealeses of older pets ranging from 08 moonswirls, to this year's rares. UR (unreleased) pets were also possible to obtain. The most notable of these were the fruit. This is what I got this year

Day 19:

December 16, 2011

Advent Day 15,16, & 17

Day 16:
Even more wolves based on rats!?

Day 16:
I think maybe items? Not sure

Day 17:
Butterfly wolves

December 14, 2011

Advent 12-15

Day 12:
Three nutcracker based wolves

Day 13:
Ornament rats?

Day 14:
Grown PPS wolves

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Day 15:

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!