April 17, 2009

another story

this ones really funny...

madissen: Today, we are interviewing a couple of animals at the zoo. I am madissen and I will be your host. Our first stop is the primate area, and our first guest is u-b-funky dog. Mr. dog, please tell us about a day at the zoo.

dog: Well, madissen, I have many funny days here at the zoo. The most funny days are the ones when I get to bark with my friend Babs Boone. We walk all day, and this is a lot of fun. We also like to make fat faces at the people and watch their reactions.

madissen: Thank you, Mr. dog. That was very interesting. Next, we head to the pachyderm area, where we meet Elle E. Phant, a famous bear who has been seen on the covers of plushie pals and nintendo power. Hello, Ms. Phant.

Elle: hi. How do I look today? Come, share some funyins with me. Do I look turbo-charged to you?

madissen: Why, no, Ms. Phant, you look slow.

Elle: Thank you. I have to eat now. I must pack my trunk for a long trip to china.

madissen: Well, there you have it, folks. This has been madissen reporting from the zoo. Back to you in the studio.

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