April 7, 2009


I noticed that if you go to arcade in webkinz and look at the header that says go-go googles.But what i noticed on it was different colored letering: blue (may 09 release) pink (june 08 release) white (may or june 05 release) AND THEN THE FOURTH COLOR IS YELLOW!!!! can you take a hint of what i'm thinking (each color on the header is a color of a googles)

the webkinz griffin is coming soon. (hopefully)It's front feet look like the monster's and its back feet look like the lion's.The front of the news showed a dalmation and a cocker spainel.The glitch was fixed somtime from 2-5 pm yesterday. the chahuahua, kangaroo, and penguin were put in their places.

if you own super smash bros. brawl could you add me. my code is 1934-5420-9569.the characters i play best are toon link, sonic, olimar, and kirby.I really want to fight someone.i don't want to have to wait 15-30 minutes to fight someone.

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